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Profil affecté : paléontologue, spécialiste du Cambrien et de ses faunes, connaissance des bases de données de biodiversité et de leur analyse ...
Keywords: Atmospheric simulation chamber, volatile organic compounds oxidation, secondary organic aerosols, hygroscopic properties, radiative...
Post-doctoral position at University of Lille (France) Context and objectives Reducing soot emissions from combustion processes is a major issue...
Dans le cadre du projet CLIMIBIO, le Département Sciences de l’Atmosphère et Génie de l’Environnement (SAGE) de l’Institut Mines-Télécom Lille...
In the frame of the CLIMIBIO project, the Evo-Eco-Paleo lab (CNRS) of Lille has ongoing research activities focused on the impacts of climate...
As part of the French Regional Program CLIMIBIO(Planning Agreement between the national and regional governments 2015-2020, the “University of...
Contexte Le développement de systèmes polymères complexes (mélanges, alvéolaires, renforcés …) présente un intérêt industriel avéré puisqu’il...
General description Increasing interest in using of textile reinforced composites for industrial applications leads to continuing demand on highly...
The Department of "Atmospheric Sciences and Environmental Engineering" (SAGE) of the Institut Mines-Télécom Lille Douai, France has ongoing...
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